Wednesday 11 July 2012


When the Beloved Messenger of Allah, (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), went on the Mi'raj, fifty prayers a day were initially ordered. On return Prophet Musa, peace be upon him, requested the Messenger of Allah, (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), to return to Allah and ask for a reduction in prayers. He did so and by doing this, the number of times was reduced to five prayers a day.

[Muslim and Bukhari chapter Miraj]

  Prophet Musa, peace be upon him, helped the Umma of the Messenger of Allah, (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), even after he had passed away.

  Some further evidence:

  • Ibn Khathir writes that: 'Uthman Ghani, may Allah be pleased with Him, said that when the enemy surrounded his house and stopped the household from receiving water, they were thirsty for many days. 'Uthman said: One day I saw that the Messenger of Allah,  (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), give me some water from my window. Some days later my roof parted, and the Prophet of Allah,  (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) accompanied by Aby Bakr and Umar (May Allah be pleased with them, entered and gave me some water to drink, and enquired: You will break your fast with us tomorrow

[Tarikh Ibn Kathir, Chapter on the death of 'Uthman, may Allah be pleased with Him]

  • Imam al Waqdi writes that: Abu Ubaidah, may Allah be pleased with Him, was the leader of the army of Damascus and was in Jihad. In his dream he saw the Prophet of Allah,  (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), inform him that ' Tomorrow Damascus will be defeated,' and He,  (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), departed quickly'. I asked the Prophet ' Why are you returning so hastily?' He replied ' Abu Bakr has died and I am going to attend his Janaza' (funeral)

[Futuh as sham, Allama Waqdi]

  • Imam al Waqdi writes; In the battle of Damascus, a kafir became a Muslim, and began to speak Arabic in an instant. Abu Ubaidah asked him ' you do not know Arabic, how is it that you speak so fluently? He replied 'Last night I saw the Messenger of Allah,  (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), in my dream. I asked him, if you are the messenger of Allah, then supplicate for me that I may speak Arabic. When I woke up in the morning I found that I could speak Arabic'.

[Futuh as Sham, Chapter on Fath ad Dimishk, Allama Waqdi]

  • Ibn Kathir writes that In the 18th year of the Hijra during the Khilafa of 'Umar,may Allah be pleased with Him, there was a famine. 'Umar and Bilal, May Allah be well pleased with them, went to the blessed grave of the Prophet (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), and said 'Ya Rasul Allah! Your Umma is dying (from hunger), pray for us that Allah sends us rain'. Later, Bilal, may Allah be pleased with Him, had a dream in which the Prophet of Allah,  (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), told Bilal to go to 'Umar, and convey his salaam, and to inform him that there will be rain and that he should perform Salaah Istisqa'. This is a very authentic narration.

[Tarikh Ibn Kathir, chapter Khilafa of 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with Him]

" Ibn Taymiyya says that: In the time of a drought, a person came to our Prophet's grave and complained about the drought. He then saw our Prophet,  (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), who said go to 'Umar and tell him to perform the Salaah of Istisqah. There are numerous true narrations similar to this.

[Iqtisa Sirat al Mustaqim, page 373, Also Imam Bukhari has mentioned about this in his book, Tarikh al Kabir, biography of Malik al dar]

  • Ibn Hajar al Asqalani writes: A person came to the grave said: 'Your Umma is dying; supplicate to Allah to send rain. Sayf says: The person who made this supplication to the Messenger of Allah, his name was Bilal Ibn al- Harith, may Allah be pleased with Him. This narration is authentic.

[Fath al Bari, Chapter on al Istisqa, Hafidhh Asqalani]

  • The Scholar of Masjid an Nabawi, Shaykh Al-Jazari writes: The narration of Bilal bin Harith concerning going to the grave and asking our Prophet, (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), to supplicate for the rain, is also recorded by Imam Bukhari in his book of Tarikh. Also, Hafidhh Asqalani recorded this in Fath al Bari; Imam al Bayhaqi included it in his Dala'il al -Nabuwat, and it also appears in the Musnaf of Ibn Abi Shayba, Ibn Abi Khusayama and in Ibn Abd al Barr - this narration has really surprised me.

[Waja a-Yarkudun, page32 by Abu Bakr al-Jazari]

  If Abu Bakr Al-Jazari knew that Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Kathir wrote this narration, he would not have been so bewildered.

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